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Stress Management

Every creature on earth adapts itself to suit its environment.

Except humans - we change our environment to suit us and we are finding it difficult to keep up with the changes we are making, especially in the working environment. The result is STRESS.

This one day course will provide you with the ability to identify stress within yourself and create strategies to deal with it. Helping you create a calmer, more peaceful existance allowing you to not only cope with life but be able to overcome any obstacle with ease and never to reach the point of 'the straw that broke the camels back'.

Course Duration:1 day

Part 1:
What is Stress?

  • Good Stress (Eustress)
  • Bad Stress (Distress)
  • What happens in the brain and body
  • Why we feel the way we do
  • Signs and Symptoms of Stress
  • The use of 'pick me ups' i.e. caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes etc and how they become addictive.
  • 'pick me ups' = short term relief - long term damage

Part 2:

  • Identifying what stresses you
  • Developing a personal action plan and relaxation strategy
  • Natural Remedies
  • Relaxation Exercises
  • Building Strong Resources & Attitudes